
I Got a Secret

The weekend rain kiboshed our plans to celebrate our annual tradition at Sloan's Christmas Village and bring home our Christmas tree, but it was still a good weekend.

I spent some quality time with mom on Saturday, Christmas shopping and going for dinner and a movie and today Bryon and I took the Rykman to the arena to meet up with his buddy, Mason for his first flailing-legged skate of the season.

Tonight, Ryker and I built a cozy little fort for him to watch some TV in before bed. He was all tucked in and I was at my desk trying to de-clutter last week before a new week begins when I heard those little footsteps running my way. He said, "Mommy, I got a secret." When I leaned my ear in and asked him what it was, he whispered in my ear, "I love you."

These rare, out-of-the-blue displays of affection have come out of nowhere for as long as he's been mobile. Yesterday, Bry and Ryker were playing a card game and out of nowhere, Ryker climbed over the table without a word, kissed his daddy and climbed back to where he came from and continued playing never missing a beat.

Tonight, he went back cozy in his fort after he told me his secret and came back a couple of more times to do the same thing. On his final return, he told me again that he had a secret and in the same tone and at the same level of a whisper, he said "I wanna snack."

Hope you all had a great weekend!

Nov. 23, 2014

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