

It is beyond time I start establishing some boundaries for the little man. 

It wasn't until 'Tales for Tots' at the library yesterday that I realized I need to close the door on my free-style parenting approach. Obviously, it's impossible to get a one-year-old to sit still for longer than one story and not be allowed to touch the stuffed dog that sits staring at him. He was off, playing with toys and then on the computer smashing the mouse into the keyboard and on the brink of a spoiled-brat breakdown when I tried to steer him away. 

I guess it takes the public display, two broken remotes, a laptop tracker damaged by drool and a broken dog dish resulting in a cut finger to realize it's time to say, "No" ... and mean it.

I have told his daddy to pick his battles and that he tells him, "No" too much, which to me I have just realized, is saying, "No" at all. Gold star hun, once again.

When everything is acceptable, it's going to be hard for me to find the line between what is and what isn't. Tomorrow 'Toddlers Explore' will be fun for him and a learning experience for me. 

Time to tighten the reigns on the take-flight theory. He's gonna fly alright. Like a pesky seagull consistently crossing its boundaries and then shitting on my head.

I must've known somewhere in my mind that there had to be more to this parenting thing than hugs, kisses and cuddles.

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