
New rooms

I haven't made any new years resolutions, although it seems I may have made one to write less. Jeez.
I really wish I would sit everyday to write even something short about my day. My life isn't that boring that I wouldn't have one event or thought to put into words.

So, today, to beat down my OCD tendencies, my husband came home to me half way between switching our bedroom with Ryker's. He amazingly agreed to it, but said it would be a good weekend project. He should know me better than to know that when I get an idea, I want it done yesterday.

So I thought in a smooth swoop I would to the switch on my own with the help of the little man helping me push his crib out the door and then pretending to use the screwdriver as I have to take the thing apart when it won't fit.

I started to panic when I couldn't get it back together again. Shit. "Uh oh," I told Ryker, "Daddy's not gonna be impressed." I gave Bry, what I always imagine to be a cute, "I'm sorry" look, but it must not be as cute as I envision. A bit of cursing and fighting (You have to understand his frustration with me starting things I'm not physically strong enough to finish on my own and constantly rearranging our house down to the little things like the strainer switching drawers on a weekly basis) and kindly asking Ryker to get out of the way a million times and the rooms are put together. Ryker's room looks awesome. Ours fits only our bed and I nightstand on each side. Bry's not impressed by the lack of space. I say, we're living simple. Much more closet space means we get to kick our '80s dresser to the curb. Smaller space means less places for me to throw my clothes, equals less chaos. I like it.

This rearranging is going beyond moving pictures around my house. Just a couple of months ago I put the dining room into the play area in the living room and turned the wasted-space dining room into Ryker's playroom and my office and my office/den into a spare bedroom. Now, I just have to get Bryon to move the cabinet.... again, so I can get the book shelf into the new office/playroom. This should all pass some of the BLAH January days we're in the midst of.
My mom shakes her head when she comes over because something has always found a new home.

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