

Inappropriate previous post perhaps, but let's be real.... We sometimes do inappropriate things. Dancing on my cousin's end table last night might be classified, to some, as one of those things.
I've been going through old Facebook photos and it makes me sentimental about my great friends and how much fun we have. There are so many genuine laughing smiles.
I'm in the process of revamping my pet sitting business.
I'm going January-stir-crazy and want to take every single thing out of our house and then bring it back in piece by piece because it doesn't feel right.
We love our home, but have realized that we're growing out of it. I'm desperate for open space.
I'm itching for change.
We talked about the future - Our dog insanity, our house, second baby, work.
We're trying to ween Ryker off of his bottle, which I realized last night is ridiculous and I'm pissed that I keep pushing to put a stop to things like this. The bottle stays.
I hate hangovers that steal the day.
It comes naturally to me to ask Ryker what it's like to be loved so much. Something my mom has always said to me.

Ryker, lately...
You do this wide-legged monster walk to be fun.
You bounce from foot to foot with impatience when we're pouring milk into your bottle.
You hid behind me today and it was a hoot when I was asking where you were.
You back into my lap to read or play all of the time and it's one of my favourite things.
You have so many teeth and can hear you chew. One of my biggest pet peeves, but it's so cute when you do it.
You cover your eyes and peek through your fingers. When you pull your hands away you say, "Buh" (Boo!)
You've broken three bowls helping feed the dogs.
You love to give them treats and they take them gently.
You don't sleep with a nightlight.
You love toast and peanut butter and your favourite snack is raisins.
Your favourite book is The Very Cranky Bear.
You love to play with the eggs in a basket with Totah and sleep in Omi's bed when you stay there.
You perch on anything you can back that tiny bum onto - The shelf in the kitchen or the inside the cupboard and onto the lazy susan.
You dropped a can of pineapple on your foot today.
You looked like a giant in my arms in the rocker tonight and I can't cradle you anymore.
You pet my hair.
You hold your hands to the sides of my face and pull my face down to yours.
You understand things like, Brush your hair, Brush your teeth, Wash your face, snack, book, head, toes, fingers, hat, shoes and socks.
You say, "Dog".
You're not talking much, so there's been a bit of whining going on.
You play mini sticks with daddy.
You kiss the computer screen when we talk to Grampa and GG on Skype.

And my favourite Ryker, lately....
You stop what you're doing and spontaneously come over and plant a big wet kiss on me. The other day I got nearly ten in a row. You wrap your arms right around my neck. You give good hugs. I think that's a genetic thing.

1 comment:

  1. Aw Kim, this is really sweet! You made my insides smile today! I hope you show all those things to Ryker one day... totally wish my mom had done something like that! Maybe there wasn't much time with my sister and I on her hands though lol :)
