
How a Toddler Explores

Yes. Morning success. Check.
What a great time at the Ontario Early Years Centre this morning. Water play, tunnels, wooden spoons and cooking pots jam sessions, ball pit, snack, stories and songs... And mama shifting aside her fear of saying no and utilizing this thing called boundaries. I was able to keep Ryker away from a few things without a meltdown or angry swat to mama and able to keep him on his bum during most of circle time... Except for when he discovered he could do this...

Drinking from the water play station? Would this be considered a boundary?

Another great thing about taking advantage of these programs is that I'm not very good at stopping, sitting and playing with Ryker at home. But at a centre like this, you aren't surrounded by the million things you feel you need to get done. All you can do is focus on your wee one.... and play.

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