You were born with music in you and love to play the piano, drums and guitar.
You put your finger in your ear.
You put your finger in your nose... and then your mouth.
You turn off the TV.
And I love that you come to us with a book in hand.
You say, 'Brrrrrrrrrrmmmmm' when pushing around something with wheels.
You're ticklish, especially your thighs.
You point and say, with pouty lips, "Mamamamamamama" at something you want.
I love to touch your hair and won't ever be able to cut those gorgeous curls off the back.
You're a good shopper.
You love pineapple and people watching (staring).
You put Blankie over your head and walk into walls.
You can melt into a tantrum at the word, No.
You sweetly say, "Awwwwwwwww" as you lean in for a kiss or sink into things like Teddy, Blankie, Bella or mommy and daddy.
You fall a million times a day.
You get clumsy when you're tired.
You're a good sleeper.
You're impossible to sleep in the same bed as.
You sometimes walk with your arms stretched behind you like you're ready for take off.
Now that I think of it, you don't walk. You run.
The pitter patter of your footsteps.
You play hard.
You kick your leg up trying to climb up on the couch. You're almost there, Shorty.
You can't keep your hands off the presents under the tree and think it's OK as long as you bring us the tissue paper.
You feed us your dinner or pretend to and then throw it into your own mouth at the last minute.
Everything is a hat.
You're a jokester.
You're always looking to see if we're looking - Whether it's because you're doing something cool or about to do something you're not supposed to - Like root through the kitchen garbage can.
You have the most AMAZING facial expressions.
You're not scared of the dark.
You're SO much fun. I am so attached to you.