
30 things about me

1• I'm in a good place in my life, enjoying now and looking forward to the future.
2• I want a killer hairstyle.
3• I thought our baby was a girl and couldn't understand what they were pointing at during    
     the ultrasound.
4• I want to adopt, but never will.
5• I have no patience for small talk.
6• I want to live a minimalistic lifestyle, but can't stop wanting.
7• I am a people watcher.
8• I only like movies that depict some sort of possible reality.
9• I would love not to have a TV in my home.
10• One day I will write a book, make a quilt, write a song and sing it.
11• I have a great group of friends and I wish we all neighbours living on one cul-de-sac.
12• I've traveled, but it feels like another lifetime ago.
13• I'm grateful to feel settled.
14• I used to be who I thought people wanted me to be.
15• I say I believe in God because I'm scared to think otherwise, because if there is a God  
     she will know that I'm thinking I don't believe. I do; however, believe in and have felt a     
     higher power and I believe that life unfolds as it should.
16• I love the idea of being crafty, but I've come to terms with having no desire to be.
17• I love being a blogger because, as a reporter who reports just the facts, I can write 
      whatever the hell I want. It unleashes me.
18• My son taught me unconditional love. That is such a cliché, I know. But prior to holding  
       him for the first time, people had to earn it. Which is a sad and egotistical way to live.
19• I can be unbearably irritable when I'm tired. I'm always tired.
20• I'm a light sleeper. So is our son.
21• I strive to be kind because I believe it is the key to peace and happiness.
22• Meat grosses me out, but I love hot dogs.
23• I wish I knew then, what I know now.
24• I'm an old soul.
25• I never wanted to get married, but would've been missing out if I hadn't.
26• No one is prouder of me than my dad .My mom is my bestfriendMy husband is my      
27•  I admire my brother's drive for life.
28• I have a minor case of OCD and am always rearranging things in my house.
29• I LOVE shopping second hand.
30• Today, I'm 30 and I'm feeling more than good about it.

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