
To Just Be

Talk about getting my priorities in check.

In the past week, I have had no desire to check my email after 5pm nor have I written a To-Do list or would even know what to jot on one if I was going to. I watched TV with my husband all night on Monday and last night I went to bed at 8 just to be cozy and relax and read. I'm able to just 'be'. To live the life that is and not the one, with endless expectation, I think should be.

The bully continues to bully, and I respond with kindness and move on my way.

Like a smoker who quits smoking and finds all of this time on his hands. My anxiety has eased immensely and I'm left with all of this free time and energy that used to be soaked up by unrealistic thoughts and worry that occupied my life.

I have a lot of it. Life has slowed and suddenly there aren't a million things I need to be doing and a million places I needed to be yesterday. What happened to that pile of stuff? It's become irrelevant.

Dinner will be cooked, when it gets cooked and the dishes will be done tomorrow. The clean towels have been in the dryer for three days. I'll get around to it.

Ryker and I have been at the park, the library and for a lot of walks. I rock him to sleep at night, because there is nowhere else I "have" to be.

And I'm happy.